दिल्ली के मशहूर मटर कुलचे की गाथा ......blog

Matar Kulcha famous street food Recipe and story

You will enjoy reading the spicy story of the journey of Matar Kulcha Ki Recipe.

Matar Kulcha famous street food Recipe and story of its journey to Delhi

दिल्ली के मशहूर मटर कुलचे की गाथा ......blog

Matar kulcha 

Delhi is also known as Delhi Belly for its spicy street food flavours. You will definitely see Matar kulcha being sold in the afternoon on a street corner, a street vendor near the bus stand or on a bicycle. Yes, it is very popular among the street foods of Delhi. Story of Matar Kulcha: In the middle of the nineteenth century, Kabuli chickpeas from Afghanistan came to Rawal Pindi and, when combined with special spices and ghee etc., came to be known as the famous Pindi Chole. In the next journey, these Pindi Cholas met Tandoori Naan Kulchas in Amritsar city. It cannot be said correctly why melons and leavened bread could not cross the cold.

Matar Kulcha, well later both of them became very famous. Seeing the taste and nutritious qualities of these two, Shai cooks got jobs in the special delicious food restaurants of the Mughal courts and Nizams. Both of them became friends like Jai and Veeru from the movie Sholay. This friendship continues till today. The world is witness, there seems to be a great friendship between the two even today.

Mughal emperors, Nizams of Hyderabad, and Nawabs of Awadh were very fond of food and its taste. His meaning was that the food item in which pure ghee and pure spices are left standing and semi-ground, in special utensils, and cooked on low flame for a long time, cannot taste good. Even an innocent thing like pulses was left to cook on low flame for 24 hours. And his own fragility was such that if he stepped on a banana peel, he would catch a cold. So in this way Pindi Chole Amritsari Tandoori Kulcha after partition came to Hindustan and settled here. When has the taste of food accepted the boundaries of any religion, caste or country?

दिल्ली के मशहूर मटर कुलचे की गाथा ......blog

Matar Kulcha Selfie

If you feel hungry while walking on the road in the afternoon and feel like eating delicious food cheaply. So you park your motorcycle on the corner and proudly reach the Matar kulcha vendor’s street. The big brass cauldron already lying here will be seen standing at the top asana, covering its mouth with a scarf, welcoming your taste. Smiling red tomatoes, rosy yellow mischievous lemons, and young fresh chillies adorned on them will make your mouth water, this is a sure promise. Nearby, thick, strong incense would be emitting thick smoke like a factory chimney, giving proof of its purity and being a Vaishno.

A lovely voice, how many leaves should I plant, or how many plates, is a way of asking the same thing. He will slowly lift the dupatta of the cauldron in front of you and take out a ladle full of boiled peas and potatoes and pour it into the bowl. Now fill the remaining space in the bowl with chopped onion and mix. As soon as I ask how should I keep the masala, he will sprinkle it with green coriander and mint leaves along with special spices and then add onion, green chillies and chopped tomatoes on it. All this must be happening in front of your eyes. Two pieces of Naan will be heated in butter on a pan kept nearby. Now the aroma of corn smoke along with tomato, onion and incense will control your hunger.

Now your Matar Kulcha will be ready like Pindi Chole. Before serving you, you will get hot Kulcha along with a carrot or green chilli, soaked in mustard oil, bruised with many spices and placed on your plate with great style. The strong aroma of pickle will make your taste buds go crazy. Your hand will feel as helpless as falling into the hands of your beloved. The aroma of spices and rock in the steam rising from hot peas and potatoes, along with raita mixed with cumin and chaat masala in a small plastic glass, will hypnotize you and take you under its control. As you continue eating, tears of separation from hunger will start streaming from your eyes and nose.

The seller of matar kulcha will look at you with full eyes and say, sir, the masala was kept mild. This is the magic of the taste of Matar Kulcho. This is why they have become so popular. And the heart also gets great satisfaction in having just thirty rupees out of the pocket. For the common people of Delhi, Matar Kulcha is like a messiah in satisfying the afternoon hunger. A special thing may perhaps lie in these coarsely ground or semi-roasted issues. After eating, the mind becomes calm and happy. An atmosphere of enthusiasm is created in your talks. Anger calms down and the mind becomes completely fresh for some time.

दिल्ली के मशहूर मटर कुलचे की गाथा ......blog

                                    बड़े चाव से  Matar kulcha   खाने  का आनंद लेते हुए

आज ये Matar kulcha  बेचने वाले  इंटरनेट ,यू टूब के जरिये बड़े मशहूर हो गए हैं। जैसे  कीर्ति नगर वाले , असली बस स्टैंड वाले लोटन वाले के ,आदि। खाना बनाने  की रेसिपी बताने वालों ने हर ढंग से बनने का फार्मूला दिखा कर समझाया है। पर मेरे देखे जो स्वाद मटर कुलचे की रेहड़ी पर खड़े होकर खाने में आता है। उस का तो कोई मुकाबला ही नहीं है। इस बात को तो चाहे आप आजमा कर देख लो और कमेंट कर के बताना। 

दिल्ली के मशहूर मटर कुलचे की गाथा ......blog

Today, Matar Kulcha vendors have gained a lot of publicity in the internet world.

Every Matar Kulcha seller also has a helper boy standing at his street stall. In today’s language it can be called internship. Who will later learn all the intricacies of matar kulchas while being under the tutelage of his master, and one day, will set up his street vendor under a tree near the bus stand at some other square. Perhaps then some blogger, a fan of taste like me, will go to eat it with great gusto and serve the taste in his own words. Now gradually people have started considering Matar Kulcha as Pindi Chole. And today Matar kulcha will gain its fame among the spicy street food dishes of Delhi.

Matar kulcha.के सफर की चटपटी कहानी सफर

Matar Kulcha Recipe in Hindi by Ranveer Barar

matar-kulcha-recipe by Bharat Kitchen

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